Thursday, July 26, 2012

National Cowboy Museum

Can you guess why we chose to go to the National Cowboy Museum?  Was it the art gallery, firearms, rodeo history, pioneer living or western movies exhibits?  If you guessed all of the above, then you would be correct.  We (Kyle and I) enjoyed it much more than the kids but they did great going thru all the galleries and exhibits.  I think their favorite parts were the rodeo history, western movies exhibit and Prosperity Junction which is a life size western town.  The kids were excited to see stuff on John Wayne since we like to watch his cowboy movies too.

I suggest that if you take children to the museum, have them check out the museum on their website.  They actually have a children's site that gives online tours, songs, games, characters, printables, etc.  Check it out at the Diamond R Ranch.

We spent 3 hrs here and had a great time.  It was the kid's first art museum and I was very proud of them.  They were really interested in the artwork which again surprised me.

We are HUGE readers in our family so seeing this
 great display of children's books in their gift
shop was awesome!


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